Receive or send funds automatically

Automatic withdrawals and direct deposits are a convenient way to make sure your bills are paid on time, or funds are deposited into your BlueShore accounts. Deposits can be from sources such as share dividends or pension plans. (Bills can also be paid through Online Banking.)

The simplest way to set it up is to give the company who will be withdrawing or depositing the funds a voided cheque (write VOID across the front of the cheque) for your chequing account at BlueShore. This gives them the banking information they need.

And there’s an even easier shortcut: from within Online Banking, you can print a branded letter with an image of a void cheque and all of your account information. Click on the account and then click on the "Void Cheque Letter" link that appears just below Show Account Details.

If you don't have a BlueShore chequing account, provide the company with the following information for your savings account:

Financial institutionBlueShore Financial
Institution number809
Branch transit numberFind your branch transit number 
Account holderYour full name as it appears on your account statements
Account numberYou can find this on your account statement, or give us a call

Talk to us

If you have any questions about setting up direct deposit or automatic withdrawals, please call us at 604.982.8000 (toll-free 1.888.713.6728), send us a message, or visit a local branch.

Have a question? Ask an expert

Niall Dempsey
Investment Advisor

Our team of experienced professionals are here to answer any questions you may have.