For ours, sophisticated controls are built into our systems and banking software to secure access to your accounts. We stand behind them. If you experience losses from unauthorized access to your accounts through Online or Mobile Banking, and that access occurs as a result of breaches of our security systems, you will be reimbursed for 100% of your loss.

Here's what we're doing to protect you

Information security is a core priority within BlueShore Financial. Our employees must follow procedures to safeguard your banking information, and agree to maintain client confidentiality in their employment agreements.

To protect your confidential information and the safety of our Online and Mobile Banking system we have a number of security measures in place.

  • Robust firewalls help prevent unauthorized access to our servers.
  • Continual monitoring detects unusual member account activity.
  • Automatic session time-outs occur if there hasn't been any activity on your computer for a period of time. This means your session ends and you'll have to log back in, reducing the chance of someone accessing your account if you're away from the computer. We also use enhanced security features to prevent your browser from caching (storing) the pages you view in online banking so no one else can access your account information.1

Security is your job, too

We take the safety and security of your personal information very seriously, but we also need you to help, especially when you're online. The most important thing is to keep your PIN and Personal Access Code for Online and Mobile Banking absolutely confidential. Your PIN or Access Code must be memorized. They should not be written down or easy to guess. Your risk is particularly increased of your PIN or Access Code is kept written in your wallet or on or near your computer or mobile device.

Here are some other basic security measures that you can take:

Protect yourself online

  • Protect your computer, tablet or smartphone against unauthorized use by using biometric and password protections.
  • Don't leave your computer, tablet or smartphone unattended while logged on to Online or Mobile Banking.
  • Always logout after banking online – we'll automatically end your session after a period of inactivity.
  • Avoid accessing your accounts using free Wifi access or public Internet ports (i.e. Internet cafes, libraries, etc.).
  • Don't respond to unsolicited web sites or e-mails that request personal information or that ask you to download documents or files.
  • Be wary of pop-up windows. Don't click on any action buttons, links or take any action until you verify that the site is legitimate. Beware of pop-up warnings that claim that your computer is infected with a virus instructing you to buy or download a fix.
  • Never send confidential information (account numbers of any type, password, etc.) via email.
  • Avoid websites with software that records your password so you don't need to enter it the next time you access that site. This type of software could give anyone using your computer or mobile device access to your information.
  • Limit the personal information you give out. Anything you share on social networking sites or chat rooms can be used by fraudsters for their own benefit. Be cautious in what you share.
  • Keep your computer healthy with updated security software and browser plug-ins, like PDF viewers downloaded only from manufacturer websites.
  • Review your account statements and/or online account transaction details promptly; report any discrepancies immediately to us at 604.982.8000 or toll-free 1.888.713.6728. Your account history should be reviewed any time you access Online Banking or access your accounts through our mobile banking app, and always no less than once a month.
  • Set up security alerts as a convenient way for you to be notified by text or email of activity on your account.
  • Practice email safety. E-mail can be used to spread viruses and other malicious software. If you ever receive an email that appears to be from us asking for account numbers, passwords or personal information, please let us know. We will never email you asking for your account numbers, passwords, or sensitive banking information. Find out how to report a suspected fraud.

Keep your computer and other devices safe

  • Choose passwords that are complex and unique. Do not use your date of birth, your address, phone number, MemberCard or other numbers that are easy to guess based upon personal identifying information.
  • Protect your device and account passwords by changing them often. Use biometric verification on your device where available and never disclose your banking passwords to anyone.
  • Use a firewall to protect your home network and family from offensive websites and potential hackers.
  • Use anti-virus software that includes an auto-update feature (at least every week).
  • Use a supported browser and keep it up to date.
  • Secure your wireless network, and keep it password protected, whether its your home wifi or your devices personal hotspot.
  • Be aware of email and website scams and practice email safety.

Please keep in mind that BlueShore Financial is not responsible for unauthorized access to your accounts that occur as a result of your voluntarily disclosing your access information, storing or handling it carelessly, or otherwise not meeting your obligations as described by the Account Operating Agreement.

What about cookies?

Cookies are very small text files placed on your computer or other device by a web page server to identify you next time you visit that site using the same computer. Without one, every time you open a new page the site treats you like a completely new visitor.

You can set up your browser to accept all cookies, cookies from a specific site only, or to alert you every time a cookie is offered. Then you can decide whether to accept one or not. You can also see the cookies you've accepted and delete them at any time.

There are two types of cookies, both of which we use at BlueShore Financial:

    1. Session cookies are temporary and are erased when you close your browser at the end of your session. The next time you visit that site, it won't recognize you and treats you as a completely new visitor. Websites typically use session cookies to ensure you're recognized when you move from page to page within one site and that any information you've entered is remembered.
    2. Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive until you erase them or they expire. How long a cookie remains on your browser depends on how long it was programmed to last.

BlueShore Financial Online Banking cannot be used without session cookies enabled in your browser.

If something happens…

If you think there's been inappropriate activity in your account or your Access Card has been lost or compromised, you need to notify us immediately. We require your full cooperation in order to resolve the problem.

Some limitations…there are always some

Our security guarantee is in place to stand behind the quality and safety of our Online and Mobile banking systems. It is not there to protect you against all risks of fraud. You have an obligation take reasonable steps to protect your interests, like protecting access to your devices and sensitive banking information. You should review your Account Operating Agreement carefully to understand what risks are allocated to you, the risks that are covered by our security guarantee, and the responsibilities that you must fulfil to get the full benefit of our security guarantee.

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Adam Franklin
Financial Advisor
Mutual Funds Investment Specialist

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